About Us
Who We Are
Tebben Enterpises is a manufacturer of agricultural equipment, recreational products, and OEM products located near Clara City Minnesota. We have been in business since 1964. We continue to be an innovator in products to make your job easier and hobby more enjoyable.
Michael Owner/President
Michael Tebben kept the family tradition going by taking the family business over in 1993.
Mady Secretary
Mady Nielsen has been with Tebben Enterprises since 1990.
Phill Shop Foreman
Phill Mittag has been with Tebben Enterprises since 1988.
Chad Purchasing/OEM
Chad Boike has been with Tebben Enterprises since 1989.
Mike Engineering/R&D
Mike Olson has been with Tebben Enterprises since 2012.
Our History
Our website was redesigned by Just Rite Design.
Tebben introduced our Land Roller.
Tebben introduces our rotary cutter line.
The Tebben Deep Till is introduced. Many original design units are still in use.
The Tebben Cultivator is introduced.
Tebben introduces rolling sheilds for cultivators.